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Investing in Romanian Real Estate: A Guide for Foreign Buyers
29 May 2024 • Real estateInvesting in Romanian Real Estate: A Guide for Foreign Buyers. Romania is increasingly becoming a popular choice for real estate investors. Navigating the process of buying real estate in a foreign country can be daunting, especially when it comes to understanding the rules and regulations.
Fiscal Measures Fallout: Real Estate Sector Warns of RON 7 Billion Loss to State Budget
17 August 2023 • UncategorizedThe publicly circulated fiscal measures aimed at the Real Estate and Constructions sector may result in a loss of RON 7 billion from the annual revenues generated to the state budget
Sustainability Gains Ground in Europe: 34% increase in certified office take-up in H1 2023
22 December 2023 • Real estateCBRE, one of the global and national leaders in commercial real estate investment and services, has launched the third edition of their research report, 'Is Sustainability Certification in Real Estate Worth it?'
Major Chinese automotive component maker KSHG Auto Harness expands again through 13,000 sqm deal with CTP in Romania
22 December 2023 • NewsCTP, Europe’s largest listed developer, owner, and manager of industrial and logistics properties by gross lettable area (GLA), has leased 13,000 sqm of production space at CTPark Deva II in western Romania to leading Chinese automotive component company KSHG Auto Harness.
Minimum salary for the construction, agricultural and food industry sectors
22 December 2023 • JobsIn the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, no. 993/1.XI.2023, it was published the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 93/2023 for establishing the gross minimum basic salary per country guaranteed in payment for the construction, agricultural and food industry sectors.
Taxe mai mari pentru firme, patroni, lucrători și consumatori (proiect de ordonanță) August 2023
1 August 2023 • NewsGuvernul va crește impozitul pe venitul pe venitul unor microîntreprinderi, va majora iarăși și impozitul pe dividendele patronilor, va elimina unele facilități fiscale pentru anumiți lucrători din firme și va mai crește și taxa pe valoarea adăugată (TVA), suportată în final de consumatori, la unele produse, potrivit unui proiect de ordonanță | BLISS Imobiliare
Real estate tax changes - everything you need to know in the coming period
14 November 2023 • Real estateWhat tax changes impact real estate in 2024
These are the most liveable cities in Europe
25 July 2023 • NewsA great region remains great. But instability has hurt living standards in some cities | Bliss Imobiliare
Bucharest's Construction and Real Estate Decline
11 October 2023 • Real estateThe decline, which brings the Capital city’s contribution back to the 2010 level, comes against the backdrop of local administrative gridlock and urban development uncertainty.
Declinul construcțiilor și al imobiliarelor din București
11 October 2023 • Real estateDeclinul, care readuce contribuția Capitalei la nivelul similar anului 2010, vine pe fondul blocajului administrativ local și al incertitudinii privind dezvoltarea urbanistică.
Income generating investment opportunity Retail Park Otopeni | BLISS Imobiliare
15 December 2022 • InvestmentsIncome generating investment opportunity Retail Park Otopeni. Finalized in 2021 and fully leased to major retailers. Situated in a highly visible location. Long term rental contracts with major retailers and possibility to further expand. Retail space of 2.865sqm GLA and 102 parking lots. | BLISS Imobiliare
Colliers: Commercial property deals in Romania double in Q1 2023
10 June 2023 • Real estateInvestment transactions in Romania’s commercial property market totaled €120 million in Q1 2023, which was almost double compared to the same period of last year. The deal volume was driven by industrial and office projects, according to a Colliers report | BLISS Imobiliare
REAL ESTATE New Land Book Regulation 14 February 2023
29 March 2023 • Real estateThe New Regulation aims at aligning the Land Book rules with other legal provisions – such as Law 7/1996 for cadastre and real estate publicity and Law no. 50/1991 on the authorization of construction works, as well as aiding in the digitization process of the Land Book processes. | BLISS Imobiliare
Real estate in 2023: searching for stability as crisis looms
16 February 2023 • Real estateReal estate prices did not decline in 2022, but they did experience a stagnation, only moving a few percentage points up from 2021 levels. Still, the real value of assets was lowered due to inflation. Inflation remains high at the start of 2023, and it is only expected to begin decreasing in the second half of the year | BLISS Imobiliare
Large Scale PV Projects in Romania
11 April 2022 • InvestmentsIncreasing the renewable energy share quota in the energy mix is demanded not only considering the decarbonization target, but also high and volatile oil prices in the current political context, as well as the constant desire for energy independence | BLISS Imobiliare
Renewable energy – No PUZ for 50 ha projects
11 January 2023 • InvestmentsOn 10 January 2023, a new amendment was published with a significant impact on renewable energy projects. The obligation to obtain PUZ (urban zoning plan) for the development of renewable energy projects located on agricultural land, with a maximum surface of 50 ha, has been abolished | BLISS Imobiliare
COLLIERS: Top 10 predictions for CEE-6 in 2023
19 January 2023 • Real estateTop 10 predictions for the CEE-6 real estate market in 2023. Colliers Central East Europe. Demand for renting and buying real estate should remain decent over the longer term in Romania and its neighbors, despite 2023 most likely being a bit more challenging than a regular year | BLISS Imobiliare
06.12.2022 Buildings classified in various degrees of seismic risk in Bucharest
6 December 2022 • Real estateBuildings with seismic risk in Bucharest represent an old problem on the public agenda of the capital for years. It seems that in Bucharest, in the past 27 years, the local authorities have rehabilitated only 20 buildings due to the insufficient number of specialists (only 8 people) from the mayor's office dealing with this problem. To solve this problem, the City Hall set up in 2017 two entities, with 263 employees, carrying out actions dedicated to this area.
Real Estate consultant Herastrau Aviatiei Metro Pipera
17 October 2022 • JobsBLISS Imobiliare is looking for a new colleague. To help our prospects and owners in renting, buying and selling their properties. We are contacted daily by people interested to buy or rent a property. We are also contacted daily by owners asking our assistance in promoting their properties. | BLISS Imobiliare
Coworking and serviced office spaces in Bucharest
16 October 2022 • ArticleThe concept of coworking and serviced office spaces entered the Romanian market in 1998, when Belgian group Regus opened its first location in Bucharest. Since 2008 to 2018 the total surface occupied by coworking operators grew from a little over 2,500 sqm to over 60,000 sqm | BLISS Imobiliare
Living in Pipera Iancu Nicolae Bucharest | BLISS Imobiliare
11 October 2022 • Real estateThe Pipera Iancu Nicolae area is very popular with families with school going children. The area is mainly residential and has developed fast because of the proximity of the many private International Schools. Situated at the North part of Bucharest between Bucharest and the ring road (Centura). | BLISS Imobiliare